Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

kita menang Unfriend Coal!!

Setelah hampir setahun ikut gerakan Unfriend Coal akhirnya kita menang
dan dapat email dari green peace kalau facebook sekarang sudah bebas dari batu bara
ini adalah email dari Eoin Dubsky, Greenpeace International:

Dear friends,

As I write this email there are almost 1m people on Facebook who have 'liked' the Greenpeace International page there. But this message is about something Facebook-y that's much more exciting: After 20 months of pressure from you, our supporters,Facebook today announced its goal to unfriend coal and run on clean, renewable energy.

We did it! Thank you!

Since the campaign began in February 2010, hundreds of thousands of you from all over the world have urged the social media mammoth to go green by using Facebook itself, photo-protests, music videos, petitions and events at Facebook offices from Dublin to Palo Alto. We even set a Guinness World Record for the most comments on a Facebook post! 

Have a look at the campaign timeline here

The company has agreed to work with Greenpeace to promote clean energy, encourage major utilities to develop renewable energy generation, and develop programmes that will enable Facebook users to save energy and engage their communities in clean energy decisions. 

You made this possible! And If we can make Facebook go green, why stop there? 

The amount of electricity used by major IT companies to power their energy-draining data centres already represents 2 percent of all US demand and, with the growth of cloud-computing, it is set to triple by 2020. 

To cut their carbon footprint, power hungry IT companies like Apple, Microsoft and Twitter need to follow Facebook’s lead and drive a green energy revolution in the industry. 

It is time to tell these companies that if they don’t move towards clean energy solutions, they could be next in line. 

You can tweet to them from the Unfriend Coal page

Today’s announcement is a testament to your actions! Other IT companies need to do the same and we are calling on you for your support. It is you who can make it happen, a generous donation now will help keep this movement in action. Please donate today.

See you on the streets and on the internets,

Eoin Dubsky
Greenpeace International 

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